Duke School
The Duke school is a private school campus for Pre-K through 8th grade. The campus exists of several buildings; six new buildings, approximately 10,000 square feet each were added, including four new classroom buildings, a new gym building, a new administrative wing and a new media center wing. Three existing classroom buildings were renovated. The campus was networked with an addressable fire alarm system and a new campus-wide fiber optic network was installed. Energy efficient lighting with occupancy controls and automatic light reduction with daylight sensing and controls were installed throughout the campus. The buildings also have energy efficient HVAC systems, low flow plumbing fixtures and solar water heating.
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Architect: DTW Architects + Planners
Awards: NC CEFPI Honor Award, 2010 & Wood Council US Wood Design Award for Education, 2013, Golden Leaf Award 2016
Photos Courtesy of DTW Architects.
Additional Projects

University of North Carolina Fetzer Gymnasium
Athletics, Education, Government, Renovation, University